
August Video


July Video


June Video


May Video

Busy month! Luke and I visited Rose Hulman Institute of Technology in Indiana and the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago. It was nice for Luke to see what a smaller college might be like. We loved having Seely, Bea's dad, come visit, and I have been working on making signs for the mountain biking trails at Henry's team's home park. Whew!

April Video

 Another month!

A Short Eclipse Video

Our eclipse trip was ... stressful!!! We were in the Texas hill country, and all those cloud predictions, and the clouds we were experiencing the day before, had us on edge. Through the entire partial phase, the sun was behind the clouds, peeking through now and then. We didn't have a chance to play with eclipse shadows at all! Then during totality, the clouds were thin enough that we got to see it, for almost the entire duration of totality. We lost 20-30 seconds max. So much relief and joy! During the last few moments of totality the clouds rolled back in - I think it extended our experience of the Bailey's beads, because the clouds gave us extra protection as the sun returned (and then they swallowed the sun again).  Anyway, this short video (around a minute) captures our trip into totality, starting with cloud cover but a few seconds later the sun breaking through the clouds. ❤ Eclipse audio really is the best way to "understand" the difference between a partial e