Helping with the baby

We've of course been talking about the baby. Emmett knows that babies don't know how to do very much, and seems excited by the idea of teaching the baby to do lots of things. So far, he wants to teach the baby to zoup (that is, run across the yard and jump onto the swing with your belly). He also talks about teaching the baby to run.

Tonight he said we'll need a place for the baby to sleep. I explained that the baby would sleep in mom and dad's room because he will need to nurse during the night. Emmett said "I could nurse the baby." I told him that mommies make milk for babies. He replied "But we don't have any milk" (we're out of milk as of this morning). I told him that milk for babies comes from mommy's breasts, and he seemed satisfied by that answer.

A few minutes later Emmett called me back to his room and asked me "How can I help your breasts make the milk?" I smiled, and told him he should remind me to drink lots of water and milk, because that would help.


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April 8, 2024

Thanks, Emmett.

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