Luke's 2 month stats

(Emmett's numbers are in parentheses for comparison.)

Weight: 12 lb 6 oz (13 lb 7oz)
Length: 23.5 inches (24.5 inches)
Head circumference: 40.5 cm (41.5 cm)

These numbers are about 55th percentile for weight, 70th for length, and 65th for head circumference. Although he didn't make up much ground on Emmett for weight or length since birth, the head circumference is turning into the real horse-race. Emmett was up by 2 cm at birth, but only 1.5 at two weeks, and is only 1 cm ahead at the two month mark. Luke started life around the 35-40th percentile for head circumference, was at 50th percentile at two weeks, and has now moved up to around the 65th percentile (at this age, Emmett was around the 80-85th percentile, about the same as he was at birth). Emmett finished out his first year with a 95th percentile head circumference, so we'll see if Luke can keep making up ground.

Luke got a bunch of vaccines, and he was a real champ. Ok, that's not quite true. He cried like a baby. Unlike Emmett, he isn't an opportunistic nurser so it was more difficult to soothe him afterwards. But he settled down reasonably. Next time I think I'll bring a toy with sound and lights to try to distract him after the shots.


Anonymous said…
One must remember that the brain size of the Neanderthal man was greater than the brain size of the Cro Magnon but Cro Magnon family tree was more successful.

This of course assumes that the size of the brain and the size of the skull correlate.
Anonymous said…
This is my third try! If it works I will actually leave comments!

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