Conversations with Luke

Luke is really talkative now, and you can go back and forth cooing with him for quite some time. Emmett converses with him too, which is really cute to watch.

Luke's also getting quite interested in toys - he'll stare intently at them and reach out for them. He makes the cutest face while doing this - lips pursed like he's saying "ooooo," eyes intent, and his eyebrows furrowed. It's all very serious business, and Luke is typically pretty quiet - all you hear is him breathing. Occasionally, he'll grab a toy I'm holding up and pull it to his mouth.

He'll happily stay on his belly for longer now, too. He arches his back and wobbles all around. It's just a matter of time before he figures out how to use his giant head as a weight to pull his body over and roll to his back.


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