"Four" month stats

This visit happened when he was just a week and a half shy of 5 months (sorry it's taken so long to get it posted!).

Height: 25 3/4 inches
Weight: 15 pounds 6 ounces
Head circumference: 43 1/4 cm

Height and head circumference are about 75th percentile, weight is around 50th (if I recall correctly). I do have a weight for Emmett around five months - he was 18 pounds! Emmett's four month length was 26 1/2 inches.

Head circumference looks like it' s caught up, though - Emmett's four month head circumference was 43cm. I have some doubts about that measurement, but looking at his growth over time, it can't be wrong by more than 1/2 cm or so.


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