More Signing with Luke

Today he signed "milk" and maybe "all done," both times seeming to express what he wanted. He's clearly caught on that gestures can have meaning.

When I started signing with Emmett, he was around 11 months old. He seemed to understand the meaning of a sign at the time he started using it. At the time, I read that kids as young as 6 months would return signs to their parents (wow!). I also read that babies who are signed to very early will "babble" in gestures.

I think Luke is doing some babbling with "more." He keeps signing "more" even when he's done eating. To help him figure out the meaning, I've tried to expand the context I use it in. I started with food, but now, I'll do something he likes (sing, bounce, etc) and then stop abruptly. Then I'll ask him if he wants "more." I'll usually get the sign and continue, but if he doesn't sign to me, I'll move on to something else.

Now I just have to figure out what things are important to Luke and start signing those to him, too. I've made up a sign for "Emmett," and maybe I'll go re-learn "up" and "down" too.


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