
Emmett made a contraption yesterday, just after Blogger added video. Serendipity, I suppose. The video is clipped quite short, it seemed like I could get short videos to upload but not longer ones. So it starts and ends abruptly, but I think you can still make out what's going on. The only thing you really miss is the "E" on the flag.

I invented the last two links in the contraption to get things started (the flag and the weight that falls to release the flag). Once Emmett saw those, he got into the swing of things and added the first two links - the apple juice can and the pendulum to start the whole thing. He's currently mulling over ideas about how to trigger the first pendulum.


Anonymous said…
I like that "E" flag. Okay, and I was wondering if you would like to see the video, Oma.


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