Luke has mannerisms

Lately, Luke will nod his head "yes" in answer to almost any question. I have to remind Emmett that he doesn't really know what he was asking him, lest Emmett get angry when Luke doesn't proceed to do whatever Emmett wanted. The nods are more than just head nods, though. His whole upper body bobs with his head, which is really cute.

Luke has a funny run, too. He pumps his arms vigorously, and his legs seem to swing out to the sides. It seems like his lower legs swing out more than his upper legs, though that doesn't seem anatomically possible. His hips wiggle back and forth a lot, too. I should try to get some running on video.


Anonymous said…
You'd need to post that video here! Embedded youtube?
He usually runs the most in stores, and I haven't had my camera - I'll try to remember to take it.
Anonymous said…
Got video on your camera?

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