Music Class

Emmett has moved on from Music Together into Musical Bridge, a class that starts to introduce elements of reading music, but is designed for kids still a bit young to start on an instrument. During the last session, Emmett had his Musical Bridge class at the same time that Luke and I did Music Together in another classroom. It was ok, but it was on Saturdays which I didn't like. This session, Emmett has Musical Bridge on Monday afternoons and I'm going to Music Together with Luke on Thursday mornings (while Emmett is at Spanish school).

I think I confused Luke when we took Emmett to his class on Monday. After sending Emmett into his class and watching through the window for a little bit, I asked Luke if he wanted to go play. (The class is held in a location with two classrooms and a small store with awesome children's toys, so there is lots to look at and do there.) Luke went over to the door to the classroom that we used to do Music Together in and stood there, waiting for me to open the door. He wanted to go to music class! I held him up to the window and showed him that there was no music class today - someone was having a violin lesson inside. I explained that we'd be seeing Tiffany (our teacher) for music class on another day soon. He seemed to understand; he nodded and didn't fuss. We played until Emmett's class was over. We'll see if having class on two different days is any better than losing our Saturday mornings...


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