The Long Ride Home

The long drives from Utah to California and back were, shall we say, challenging. On the first leg, we left Utah around 6pm, hoping for lots of sleeping kids during the overnight drive. They foiled that plan, sleeping roughly from 10pm-midnight, then staying awake from about midnight until 2am, then sleeping again from 2-3:30am, and finally going to sleep around 4am and staying asleep until we arrived around 5:30am (Utah time).

In the middle of the night when Luke is tired but awake and mad, you'd be surprised how well you can distract him from yelling by counting big rigs on the highway. It worked every time I tried it on this trip! Imagine it - Luke is yelling in his carseat, and you say, "Look, Luke! A truck! Do you think we'll pass it?" He not only stops yelling, but he starts looking at the trucks and laughing! And then he starts yelling "Empty truck!" at each one, because the very first truck we saw when I first tried this trick was empty.

On the way home, Luke was mad and the road was much more empty so we needed a new distraction. I used Disneyland, and it worked like a charm! I pretty much just recalled our day, slowly talking about the rides, ducks, rain, fiddlers, etc. It was fun remembering all we did, and Luke definitely enjoyed it. He didn't just stop yelling, he laughed at his favorite parts.


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