Foiled again.

Did you know that your second kid won't be exactly the same as your first kid? It's trouble, you know.

Emmett always loved taking baths. So before a bath, I'd say to Emmett, "Do you want to take a ... walk? Do you want to take a ... picture?" and so on. He'd get excited, sometimes yelling out "Bath!" and sometimes just heading off to the bathtub before I even got to "bath."

Luke has enjoyed baths, but not as much as Emmett. And over time he's come to hate getting his hair washed, so he's not particularly eager for a bath. I tried my little "Do you want to take a ..." trick with Luke a few times, but he never responded quite the same way. Last night I skipped the lead in and said in a normal voice "Do you want to take a bath?"

Luke said he wanted to take a walk.


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