
Over Christmas Emmett had lots of fun with Grandma Gini learning about Roman numerals. It's an interesting system that lacks a zero. Last night, Emmett was telling me that he thinks they assigned "C" to "100" because "C" looks like a zero. I reminded them that they didn't have a zero, and pointed out that the Spanish word for one hundred is "cien" and Spanish has Latin roots, so perhaps their word for 100 also started with "C."

Of course, when I said that the Spanish word for one hundred was "cien," Emmett replied, "It's not 'cien,' it's 'cien!'" I honestly couldn't hear a difference between the two ways he was pronouncing the word, but he was adamant that I hadn't said it right.

In other linguistic news, now that Rock Band and Guitar Hero World Tour are being played daily, both boys have started learning the words to "Eye of the Tiger" (remember Rocky?). Luke singing a few lines of the song is cute enough. What's really fun, though, is when Emmett gets to the line "Rising up to the challenge of our rivals" and heavily rolls the r in "rivals." He says it just sounds better that way.


Anonymous said…
Yes it sounds better with Rs rolled. My old choir director was adamant about that too.


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