
We've had a couple of days of warming weather, so the boys have been spending lots of time outside. Bubbles and scooters are in heavy use.

Emmett came inside today to ask me to turn on the hose so they could play in the water. They're playing outside, it's sunny, of course they want water. But it only got up to 65 degrees today! I decided that I didn't have the energy to change their clothes when they got cold (which would have been immediate!) so they went back to scooting.

Playing outside on days too cold for water leads to two dirty boys! They're going to get a lot of extra baths until the weather warms up another ten degrees or so.


Stephanie said…
Mine wanted the water, too.
But I looked at all that wannabe mud out there, and said, "Uh, let's wait til the ground dries more..."

We have a bit before they ask again.
Waaaay too cold, now!

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