
It's fun watching as the new brother relationships form. For Emmett this is all familiar, even though he doesn't explicitly remember much about Luke joining the family. He's very sweet with Henry, cooing at him, calling him cute, generally mimicking the way adults react to babies.

Luke is doing quite well, especially considering how attached to me he is. David and I have been doing our best to carve out and protect one-on-one time for me and Luke, but obviously his time has been cut into. Still, Luke seems happy with Henry. He likes to gently touch him, and he's always interested in what's going on with Henry.

It's not all rosy, though. At music class, David said Luke would go back and forth between being normal and "mad." You know Luke's mad when he growls at you, or makes his "mad face," or sticks his tongue out at you. So far none of that has been directed at me or the baby, though.


Flipper said…
Cesar does not tolerate growling! :)

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