Let the nicknaming begin

Babies make so many squeaky, squirmy noises that change so fast from day to day that I find myself calling them by different nicknames all the time. Henry's had two of note so far.

On day one his high need to suck became clear when he willingly accepted our fingers for extended periods during which he'd attempt to take the skin off. This led to "Little Henry Hoover."

Another manifestation of Henry's "mouthy-ness" happens at night. When he wakes up, he doesn't really cry, he makes these sniffling, snuffling, slurping noises while he roots around, sucking on his fists when he can find them. Watching and listening to this led to name #2, "Snuffleupagus."

At this point the nicknames are entirely context dependent - I call him Squirmy when he's squirming, Squeaky when he's squeaking, etc. At some point I'll probably call him Bear or Bunny, the nicknames I use for both Emmett and Luke (and the dogs too, sometimes).


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