
For the past couple of months, I really haven't been doing any structured learning stuff with Emmett. The end of the pregnancy was tough, and now I have a newborn! He's been reading lots, of course, so something is going into his head. Today I got a glimpse of some of it.

He's been talking to me about fractions, and I wanted to introduce him to the terms "numerator" and "denominator" so I wrote a fraction and pointed to the top number and told him it was the numerator. He seemed to recognize the word, so I asked him if he knew it already - he did (from reading The Number Devil). I asked him if he knew what the bottom number was called and he said, "denominator."

He's also been reading his topology book a lot, and filling up his notebook with drawings that he calls "Louisianas." These are drawings that have a bunch of dots, and then a curve that winds around them, leaving some inside and some outside of the curve. I'm not sure what the topology book says about them, so I guess I should check that out...

At bedtime tonight, he was apparently reading book about senses. He came out to tell David and I that he read about a guy who's brain assigned shapes to tastes. Laughing so hard he almost couldn't get it out, he told us, "He once said his chicken dinner had too many corners in it!"


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