Third child

By the time Emmett was 5 months old, I had read "The Cat in the Hat" to him so many times I memorized it. "Where Does Maisy Live" was his first lift-the-flap book, and I remember him as he first reached towards the flaps, then gradually developed the ability to grab them and pull them open.

When Luke came along, I was busier, of course. By the time I pulled out "Where Does Maisy Live" for Luke, I think he was able to open the flaps pretty well as long as I held them open a little. He was probably 7-8 months old.

Now in the evenings when I'm reading to Emmett and Luke, Henry is sometimes in the room playing, and sometimes with David. Until recently, I hadn't been reading books just for him. I started reading "Where Does Maisy Live" just for Henry (he opens the flaps without any trouble). He loves it - the combination of flaps and animal sounds gets them every time.

Today after reading "Where Does Maisy Live" to him a couple of times, I gave the book to David so he'd read it while I read to Luke (Curious George, what else?). Henry eagerly followed David into another room. During the middle of my story Henry returned with his book, so while turning pages on Curious George, I read a page of Henry's book. This wasn't too satisfying for him, and David called to him from the other room. When he heard David, Henry immediately grabbed his book and toddled right across the hall and got to hear the story again.


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