First word!

Henry has been saying "da da da da" and "ma ma ma ma" for a while (dad first, of course). But tonight he started saying a new word - definitely a first! After reading "Who says quack," a book full of animals and the sounds they make, Henry started saying, "Woo!" It's pretty airy - for the "w" sound he holds his lips very close together and pushes air through, almost like he's blowing out a candle. Anyway, Luke and Emmett both started saying "Duh!" for "duck" at the end of that book, so I asked him if he was saying duck. When he repeated "Woo woo!" I realized that he was saying "Woof!"

When you say, "Henry, can you say 'woof,'" first he laughs a bunch, then he'll press his lips together and say, "Woo!"


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