Swimming progresses quickly

One-on-one lessons really move fast - last week Emmett was practicing elementary backstroke, and yesterday he started working on crawl and regular backstroke. I've noticed that they aren't teaching him to breathe yet - obviously he can breathe during backstroke, but when he crawls they teach him to take a few strokes and then roll onto his back to float. I can see why - breathing is the hard part so it makes sense to figure out how the stroking works before adding the breathing part.

Watching Emmett swim has had a big effect on Luke. He's been saying he'll swim when he's four, so yesterday I told him that his birthday is next Wednesday, and he could start swimming lessons if he wanted. I've made it clear to him that if he doesn't like it, he'll still have to give it a try for a few months at least. He just said, "Sure." It wasn't enthusiastic, but there was no "selling" on my part, so I'm hoping this will all work out. We signed him up while we were at the pool, and we bought him a pair of goggles. I have my fingers crossed!


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