A Good Little Monkey

Henry loves Curious George as much as Luke did. It's the only cartoon he'll watch, and he wants to watch it anytime he can get me to turn it on.

When Henry is tired and cranky, I can tell him "Curious George comes to our house" stories to calm him down. It's not perfect - he loves them so much he gets really excited thinking about playing with George in the back yard, or downstairs, or in the nearby park. He'll squeal a bit, grinning and kicking. But in the stories, they always come inside for a snack and a story. Curious George always picks the story, and it's always something like "Goodnight Moon" or "The Big Red Barn" - something soothing, repetitive, and just a little boring (especially if I tell it slowly). I can usually get him to sleep by the end of the story. Luke used to love these types of stories, and now Henry does too.


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