Ruined by his brothers

Henry has picked up the word "stupid" from his brothers. I don't hear it often, but he used it today.

Our neighbor found a tortoise(!) in the middle of our street. When she found the owners, her son (Emmett's friend J) was very sad - he'd been hoping for a new pet. We have a "twilight turtle," a stuffed animal with LEDs in its shell to project stars on the ceiling. I thought it would be nice to lend it to J, so Emmett brought it out to show him. As soon as Henry saw the twilight turtle, he started saying "I just want my turtle!" Oops!

As it turns out, J didn't want to borrow the twilight turtle, so Henry carried it home again. On the way I told him things like, "It was so nice of you to show J your turtle!" as if that were the plan the whole time. After we'd been home a while, Henry said to me, "That turtle thing was stupid!" I said, "It was so nice of you to show J your turtle!" He replied, "No, it was stupid!"


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