Codes and Magic

Emmett is really into secret codes, pig latin, and magic tricks. He has a trick where he makes a dime appear in an empty machbox, with the magic word "Alacazam!" And my boy who hates writing anything down, will leave short notes in code for Luke or a friend and lead them on a treasure hunt around the house.

The other day Henry was walking around with both hands full of marbles. He looked up at me, shook his hands and said, "Alacazam!" I asked him what he was doing and he said he was making the marbles disappear. I told him that was cool and waited for him to do the trick. He shook his hands and said, "Alacazam!" emphatically again. Then we both just stood there looking at the marbles in his hand. I guess he has a little work to do on that one.


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