What brothers are for

Not long ago, Luke's bottom front teeth started getting loose.  Since Emmett's permanent teeth came in behind and didn't push his baby teeth out (the dentist pulled them), I encouraged him to wiggle them.

I didn't need to worry - Emmett pulled the tooth right out a few days ago.  They were playing with the foam "pool noodles" in the basement.  They battle with them, mostly whacking each other.  Sometimes, though, they bite the noodles.  I've discouraged it because it damages the noodles and I don't like finding bites of foam in the basement, but on that day, Luke bit the noodle.  Emmett continued swinging it around, and Luke was suddenly without a tooth.  He bled a little because it wasn't really ready to come out (the new tooth isn't visible and it's been 5 days now).

Luke recovered quickly, though, and we found his tooth in the carpet.  Luke insists that there is no such thing as a tooth fairy, but he still didn't refuse the money that showed up under his pillow.


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