Marshmallow Test

Today we had dinner at Noodles, and we had a coupon for a free dessert so we got to the table with a huge snickerdoodle.  I decided trying to keep it from them until after dinner was futile, so I split it into four pieces and handed it out.  I think I finished first (in my defense, I had to go get all the sodas so I didn't have extra hands).  Emmett and Henry took a little more time, but Luke just took a tiny nibble and then wrapped his chunk up in the plastic wrap the cookie came in.

We waited a long time for food.  Luke opened up his cookie and took a tiny nibble.  He shared a tiny bit with Emmett (whose cookie was long gone!).  He wrapped it back up.  He played with it at the table.  We waited a long time.

Finally the food arrived and we all ate.  Luke ate his cookie on the way home in the car.  He seemed pleased to have some cookie when no one else did, but I think he still shared a tiny bit with Emmett.

Remind anyone of the marshmallow test?  Luke passed with flying colors.  The rest of us?  Well, no one told us we were supposed to wait...


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