Meanwhile, at the pool...

Henry has been really enjoying swimming lessons.  Last week he started talking about the diving board, and wondering when he'd get a chance to jump off of it. 

I've seen this kid swim.  He doesn't look comfortable or competent when it comes to floating on his back.  He does it, of course, with his teacher standing right by his side.  I was skeptical of the "diving board" talk.

Yesterday at swimming, though, he was asking his teacher, and she agreed to let him try it.  They swam down to the deep end and Henry climbed out of the pool.  After taking a few steps towards the diving board, he returned to talk to his teacher.  I was nearby, so I went too, and heard him asking her to come with him.  (so cute!)  I told him I'd walk to the diving board with him, and she'd stay in the water to be there when he jumped in.  When he got out to the end of the board, he sat down and did a  sitting dive instead of jumping.  It went fine, and his teacher sent him up to go again.  The second time she was ready and when he started to try to sit down, she stopped him and pulled way out of the water so she could hold his hand while he jumped from his feet.  He did it, and was so proud!  (I love the teachers at Swim Kids.)


Flipper said…
James and David taught me how dive off the high (3 meters?) at Meadowbrook (Seattle). But they were slightly older. :)

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